Fall 2023

Sabbatical Leave

Step 1     

Individuals who are applying for their first sabbatical leave must attend one of the offered orientation workshops.


Other sabbatical leave applicants may attend a workshop at their own discretion.





Wed  Sept 13, 2023
11:00 am - 12:00 pm via Zoom

Fri  Sept 15, 2023
2:00 pm – 3:00 pm via Zoom


Thurs Sept 21, 2023

11:00 am - 12:00 pm  via Zoom

Fri   Sept 22, 2023

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm via Zoom

Step 2

Complete sabbatical leave application. Submit electronically to the respective Academic Senate president. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023 

5:00 pm

Step 3

Applications are routed to Department Chair/Coordinator, Dean, and Vice President for information and comment.

November 3-15, 2023

Step 4

Applications are reviewed and ranked by the sabbatical Leave Committee.

Nov 17 - Dec 2023

Step 5

Sabbatical Leave selections submitted to the Chancellor.

Mid- January 2024

Step 6

Governing Board ratification

February 2024 (TBD)

Step 7

Written (email) notification of sabbatical leave awards to college President, Dean/Director, Chair/Coordinator, and applicants


February 2024
(after Board ratification)



Sabbatical Leave Reports:

Fall 2022 



Sabbatical Procedure

Sabbatical Leave Application

Sabbatical Scoring Rubric


Sabbatical Application Sample 1
Sabbatical Application Sample 2




 Related Resources

Senate Officers Election Information 

Apply for Academic Rank

Distinguished Faculty Award Information

Distinguished Faculty Nomination Packet

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