College Key Performance Indicators


Key Performance Indicators are the metrics we use to evaluate how we are doing as a college. These data are compiled and reported by the GCCCD Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Office. The data are presented as interactive dashboards and are available to anyone, anytime. Before 2017, an annual KPI Report was produced. Full reports (all 200 pages or so) are available via links at the bottom of this page. 


KPI Report Summaries are also compiled by College Planning Office for at-a-glance summaries of a few focal KPI each year. These documents also include our college Standard and Targets for comparison. The college-set Standards (our minimum expectation for ourselves) and Targets (our aspirational goals) are established and reviewed annually by the Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Committee (PIEC), usually in May, with three goals: 1) potentially revise which of the metrics are included in the summary; 2) evaluate our performance relative to the targets and standards; 3) change the targets/standards if changes in the data or college conditions warrant.  Discussion of these decisions can be found in the minutes on the PIEC home page. [Prior to 2019, this body was called the Institutional Effectiveness Council and minutes are found on the IEC home page.] 



Annual KPI Report Summaries

Each metric is shown for the past 5 years and the current year is compared with the last year.  College-set targets and standards for each metric are also shown so that evaluation of our results can be made. 


KPI Summary 2019: Reports on 5 years of data, ending with the 2017-18 Academic Year


KPI Summary 2018: Reports on 5 years of data, ending with the 2016-17 Academic Year

*This summary includes a revised method of calculating transfer students. The list of KPI Summary measures to be reported in 2019 will be re-evaluated at the upcoming September 2018 IEC meeting.


KPI Summary 2017: Reports on 5 years of data, ending with the 2015-16 Academic Year


KPI Summary 2016: Reports on 5 years of data, ending with the 2014-15 Academic Year

*Targets and Standards were reviewed and modified at the May 2016 meeting of the Institutional Effectiveness Council and the 2016 KPI Summary has been updated with the 2017 goals.


KPI Summary 2015: Reports on 5 years of data, ending with the 2013-14 Academic Year


KPI Summary 2014: Reports on 5 years of data, ending with the 2012-13 Academic Year



Annual KPI Reports (prior to 2017)

KPI Report 2016


KPI Report 2015