

Activities Implemented based on Results of 2012 CCSSE 

Grossmont scored equal to or higher than comparison schools in Academic Challenge and Active and Collaborative Learning, but lower than comparison schools in Support for Learners, Student-Faculty Interaction and Student Effort. In response to these results, the College implemented a number of new practices including:

  • The Student Services referral sheet to circulate to instructors and students to increase support for learners;
  • The “One Book, One Campus” and Water Project initiatives were created to increase student effort and student-faculty interaction;
  • The Freshman Academy was created to increase student effort, student-faculty interaction and support for learners;
  • Student Pathways, an ongoing project was started, again to bolster all three areas of student need: student effort, student-faculty interaction and support for learners;
  • The outcomes from CCSSE were used to develop a new ISLO assessment –a survey of the graduates at Commencement.

Annual Planning Process--Activity Proposals Funded

The results of the annual planning process by which the Planning and Resources Council prioritizes and decides to fund requests are summarized in the "Did You Know?" documents.


Did You Know 2014-15


Did You Know 2013-14


Did You Know 2012-13


Did You Know 2011-2012


Did You Know 2010-2011


Did You Know 2009-2010