The annual Fall Reading Series (a.k.a., Fall Authors Series) presents a season of events celebrating literature, showcasing award-winning authors, and honoring the inspiration to write. Events are sponsored by the English Department and Creative Writing Program of Grossmont College, as well as a variety of other campus agencies and programs.
Thursday, September 25
Celebration of Banned Books Reading
7:00 - 9:00 PM, Griffin Gate
This annual event hosted by Joe Medina celebrates noted authors and our right to enjoy their “controversial literature.” This year's presenters include
- Nadra Hess-Farina, Librarian: A Librarian’s Perspective on Banned/Challenged Books
- Michael Johnson, Writer: Lenny Bruce, Comedian
- Malka Stover, G.C. Student: Erica Jong, Fear of Flying
- Adelle Schmitt, English Instructor: Alice Walker, “Am I Blue?”
- Karl Sherlock, English Instructor: Animadversion-Anime, Manga and Censorship
Wednesday, September 5
poet Patricia Santana
7 PM, Griffin GatePoet Patricia Santa reads from her new book, Ghosts Of El Grullo, the highly anticipated sequel to Motorcycle Ride on the Sea of Tranquility," listed as one of the American Library Association's "Best Books for Young Adults"
in 2003. In addition, the book was named San Diego Magazine’s 2003 Book Award winner
in fiction. Santana is the winner of the 1999 Chicano/Latino Literary Contest. She
currently teaches Spanish at Cuyamaca College.
Saturday, November 18
Saturday, November 18, 2008
9 AM - 5 PM, Griffin GateOur first biennial all-day writing marathon to raise funds for the Spring 2009 Literary
Arts Festival (to feature the truly extraordinary Jimmy Santiago Baca), provides for
participants raising a minimum of $50 in pledges a full-day of inspirational writing
prompts and thrilling literary activities in the four genres: fiction, poetry, drama,
and creative nonfiction; publication in the 2008 Creative Write-a-thon Anthology;
lunch & refreshments; tickets for the coolest raffle this side of I-5; an “I ROCKED
THE PAGE” t-shirt; a laptop/notebook full of new work.
AND, for that motivated participant who raises the most money: lunch and manuscript review with the creative writing faculty member of your choice; dinner with Jimmy Santiago Baca; a subscription to Poets & Writers; and other surprises. Get your pledge on!
Monday, December 1
New Voices: A Student Reading
7:00 p.m. at Griffin Gate
The Creative Writing Program's finest students of the Fall 2008 semester take the podium for New Voices, an evening of original student-written fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, scripted drama, and novel excerpts.