mineral element silica-oxygen tetrahedron
streak luster hardness (Moh's hardness scale)
cleavage fracture
Mineral gallery: http://mineral.galleries.com/default.htm
Fluorescent minerals: http://simplethinking.com/franklinminerals/franklin.stm
Mineral collecting information: http://geology.er.usgs.gov/eastern/rocks.html
Smithsonian gem and mineral collection: http://www.min.uni-bremen.de/sgmcol/
1. What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?
2. What is the primary building block of all silicate minerals?
3. Why might it be difficult to identify a mineral by its color?
4. Would you consider ice to be a mineral?
5. Be familiar with the general properties of minerals.
6. What mineral group makes up the rock-forming minerals?