The Orthopedic Technology Program at Grossmont College is a one-year program designed to provide Orthopedic Technology graduates with lifetime professional skills in a rapidly expanding healthcare field. All of the courses are offered on campus at Grossmont College in the evening and clinical rotations are completed at local hospitals and clinics.
Program Preview Meetings are currently being held virtually via Zoom. If you would like to find out more information about the Orthopedic Technology profession, program, application information, etc - COME JOIN US! Below are a list of the upcoming Program Preview Meetings. If interested, please register/RSVP by completing the online FORM. After registering for the meeting by filing out the form, you will be sent the Zoom meeting information and link via email.
Upcoming (virtual) meetings:
SIGN UP HERE → Form to Register for Meeting
"All communication between the program office and the student is by email. All emails sent to students on the waitlist and currently in the program are sent with a delivery and read receipt. If you chose not to check the read receipt, the program is not responsible if the student states that they did not receive the email".