Accreditation Steering Committee
The Accreditation Steering Committee is tasked with preparing the Institutional Self-Evaluation
Report (ISER) in advance of the ACCJC site visit and eternal review, as well as maintain
and fostering a culture of continual improvement and accountability across campus
at all times.
The Accreditation Steering Committee is a subcommittee of Planning and Resources Council.
Its primary responsibilities are to
• Communicate information about accreditation standards and best practices throughout
the college;
• Foster college-wide dialogue on how the college meets or does not meet accreditation
• Serve as a conduit for constituency input into accreditation reports and responses;
• Create and monitor plans and timelines for the preparation of all accreditation
reports and responses required by ACCJC;
• Provide leadership in the preparation of reports;
• Develop and monitor plans and timelines for the remediation of areas in which the
college does not fully meet accreditation standards;
• Monitor the college’s continued compliance and improvement throughout the six-year
accreditation cycle.
Committee Membership
Chair: Dr. Catherine Webb, Accreditation Liaison Officer
Faculty Co-Chair: Denise Schulmeyer, Communication Departmentment
- Accreditation Liaison Officer (Co-chair)
- Faculty Accreditation Chair (Co-chair)
- College President (ex officio member)
- Vice President of Academic Affairs
- Vice President of Student Services
- Vice President of Administrative Services
- Academic Senate President
- Classified Senate President
- Distance Education Specialist
- CPIE Administrative Assistant
- Research Liaison
- Process Specialist
- Student
Additional Members (During ISER Development)
Standard I: Mission, Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness, and Integrity
- Classified chair: Cindy Emerson
- Faculty chair: Bonnie Ripley
- Administrative chair: Michael Reese
- I.A. Mission (4 third-level standards) lead: Denise Schulmeyer
- I.B. Assuring Academic Quality and Institutional Effectiveness (9) lead: Cary Willard
- I.C. Institutional Integrity (14) lead: Lida Rafia
Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services
- Classified chair: Jocelyn Pacheco
- Faculty chair: Joan Ahrens
- Administrative chair: Wayne Branker
- II.A. Instructional Programs (16) lead: Jeff Waller
- II.B. Library and Learning Support Services (4) lead: Matt Calfin
- II.C. Student Support Services (8) lead: Courtney Williams
Standard III: Resources
- Classified chair: Bernadette Black
- Faculty chair: Liz Barrow
- Administrative chair: Agustin Albarran
- III.A. Human Resources (15) lead: Sara Varghese
- III.B. Physical Resources (4) lead: Loren Holmquist
- III.C. Technology Resources (5) lead: Sang Bai
- III.D. Financial Resources (16) lead: Patty Sparks
Standard IV: Leadership and Governance
- Classified chair: Monica Blando
- Faculty chair: Tate Hurvitz
- Administrative chair: Marsha Gable
- IV.A. Decision-Making Roles and Processes (7) lead: Barbara Gallego
- IV.B. Chief Executive Officer (6) lead: Aaron Starck
- IV.C. Governing Board (13) lead: Lorena Ruggero
- IV.D. Multi-College Districts or Systems (7) lead: Dee Oliveri
Meeting Information
Spring 2019
Fall 2018
Summer 2018
The committee met on an ad hoc basis alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays during the
summer to work on writing standards and compiling evidence.
Spring 2018
February meeting: Agenda, Minutes
March meeting: Agenda, Minutes
April meeting: Agenda, Minutes
May meeting: Agenda, Minutes
Contact Information: Cindy Emerson, College Planning and Institutional Effectiveness Office, 619-668-1729