The Fitness Specialist Certificate Program is an 18.5 unit specialty program that typically begins in the fall semester each year and culminates the following summer with the students completing a 60-hour community service learning internship. All students who wish to earn the Certificate of Proficiency as a Fitness Specialist must take the following courses:
ES 255 -- Care and Prevention of Athletic injuries
ES 291 -- Anatomy and Kinesiology for the Fitness Specialist
ES 292 -- Exercise Physiology for the Fitness Specialist
ES 293 -- Fitness Assessment and Strength Training Program Design
ES 294 -- Fitness Program Design for Healthy Adults and Special Populations
ES 196/296 -- Internship Seminar
HED 158 -- Nutrition for Athletes
Click here to view the program flyer
Nutrition for Athletes
Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
Exercise Physiology
Anatomy and Kinesiology
Fitness Program Design for Healthy Adults and Special Populations
Strength Training Program Design / Fitness Assessment and Testing
Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
Nutrition for Athletes
Community Service Learning and Internship Seminar
ES 255 and HED 158 have no prerequisite requirements. They may be taken at any time during the program. ES 255 and HED 158 are offered Fall and Spring Semesters.
ES 291 and 292 have no prerequisites, but are CO-REQUISITES; meaning that they SHOULD be taken together to get the most benefit.
ES 291 and 292 are PREREQUISITES for 293 and 294, so you need to take Exercise Physiology, Anatomy and Kinesiology in the Fall before ES 293 and 294 in the Spring.