District vacancies on Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee
Posted on: Jul 1, 2019 12:00:00 AM
In: Grossmont, Cuyamaca, District
Buildings and Facilities
Contact: Della Elliott della.elliott@gcccd.edu
UPDATE: The deadline for submitting an application is Aug. 15, 2019.
Civic-minded East County residents with ties to the business community or the construction industry are invited to apply for three seats on the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District’s Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee.
A representative of the East County business community and two qualified professionals in a construction-related field such as architecture, construction management or civil engineering are sought to fill three vacancies on the district’s 11-member committee appointed to assure the public that Prop. V bond funds are spent as outlined in the district’s bond resolution. The CBOC meets quarterly to review and report on the proper expenditure of taxpayers’ money for school construction.
Applicants must reside within the boundaries of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, which encompasses an area of 1,138 square miles from the eastern edge of the city of San Diego to Imperial County to the east and the Mexican border to the south. The CBOC appointments are for at least one two-year term and volunteers can serve up to three consecutive terms.
As specified by the Governing Board, the committee includes students and college advisory committee and foundation representatives, community members with expertise in construction, procurement and finance; and representatives from business, senior and taxpayer organizations. The application form is available online at http://pages.today/pdf4 . Submit applications to Stephen.johnson@gafcon.com
The $398 million Prop. V was approved by voters in November 2012 to fund construction projects including veterans support centers, upgrading career training facilities for science, medical and public safety, modernizing technology and improving access for people with disabilities.
Specific projects for Grossmont College include a Performing and Visual Arts Center, scheduled to be completed this fall; a Liberal Arts/Business and Technology Complex; and a Science, Math and Career Tech Complex.
At Cuyamaca College, projects include a Student Services and Administration Building, an Instructional Building, and the Ornamental Horticulture Complex.
For further information on the CBOC, go to www.gcccd.edu , then click on “About Us” and then “Proposition R and V Projects,” or call the CBOC office at (619) 644-7762 .