Occupational therapy focuses on the things you want and need to do in your daily life. Occupational therapy intervention uses everyday life activities (occupations) to promote health, well-being, and your ability to participate in the important activities in your life. https://www.aota.org/about/what-is-ot






Communicate via e -mail to the OTA Health Specialist Grossmont.OTA@gcccd.edu










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What is Occupational Therapy?

Teaching the Art of Independence
Occupational Therapy is a skilled treatment that focuses on helping people of all ages regain, develop, or master everyday skills in order to live independent, productive and satisfying lives. Whether the individual is young or old, they engage in "occupations" such as learning, playing, working, or managing a home. Occupational Therapy provides services to those individuals with physical, emotional, or other challenges who are unable to carry out their daily living tasks.

Occupational therapists assess clients with physical and mental challenges in order to develop activities of daily living (ADL) that work best for those clients. For a client with a physical disability, the first focus is on performing critical daily routines, such as dressing, grooming, bathing, and eating. Once these skills are mastered, a program is then built around the skills needed to perform tasks such as participating in education, caring for a home and family, or seeking and maintaining employment.

For a client with mental illness, the goals are also based on the ability to function independently. In treating mental or emotional challenges, the occupational therapy program focuses on areas such as managing time, working productively with others, and enjoying leisure.


Occupational Therapy Practitioners work in a variety of settings such as hospitals, schools, long-term care facilities, mental health centers, rehabilitation facilities, private homes and more. Delivery of occupational therapy services involves several levels of personnel including the occupational therapist, the occupational therapy assistant and aides.


Program Description


Program Description

Occupational Therapy Assistants (OTAs) work under the direct supervision of a Occupational Therapist (OTs) to provide all levels of patient treatment to people who are limited by physical injury or illness, mental health problems, developmental or learning disabilities, or the aging process.

OTAs assist OTs in assessing patient needs, determining therapeutic goals, planning and implementing treatment activities, communicating with patients and health care providers and documenting patient progress. They utilize purposeful activities, manual and creative arts to help patients achieve their highest level of function. OTAs are employed in hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, skilled nursing facilities, schools, day treatment centers, outpatient clinics and other community agencies.

The Occupational Therapy Assistant Program prepares the student for an Associate in Science Degree. In addition to the core curriculum, the major requires selected general education courses from the biological, social and behavioral sciences. OTA core courses are offered evenings only. Clinical Practicum experiences are available daytime and possible weekends only. Clinical Practicum IV and V (OTA 240 & 241) requires a full time work week commitment for 20 weeks.  





Grossmont College is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and is a member of the American Association of Junior Colleges, the Community College League of California, and the National Commission on Accrediting. Appropriate courses are fully accepted on transfer by the University of California, The California State College system, and by private four-year colleges and universities.


The Occupational Therapy Assistant Program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education; (ACOTE) of the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), located at 7501 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 510E Bethesda, MD 20814 and the phone number is 301-652-6611.  www.acoteonline.org is the link to their website.


Accreditation allows graduates who have completed the Associate Degree program to sit for the national certification examination administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT). Those who pass the exam earn the title Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant. In addition, all states require licensure in order to practice; however, state licenses are usually based on the results of the NBCOT Certification Examination.  


Students in default of a student loan may be ineligible to obtain a license to practice occupational therapy.  Be sure to check with the state licensing board in the state youwish to practice prior to applying to the OTA Program.


Individuals considering entering or currently enrolled in the OTA Program at Grossmont College who have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony crime are urged to contact NBCOT at (301) 990-7979 for advisement and planning prior to continuing in the program. Persons on probation are not eligible to apply or be accepted into the OTA Program.  Failure to pass either or both the background check or drug screening procedures will interfere with clinical placements and may influence eligibility for licensure and/or NBCOT testing and/or employment.  Applicants with any issues that may flag the background check and/or drug screening should contact the Dean of Allied Health and Nursing for confidential advisement and planning prior to applying to the program. **Even if you have passed a prior background check, LiveScan often shows additional items from the past including expunged issues. Graduates are sometimes surprised that they are having difficulty obtaining employment due to not clearing a LiveScan for employment after clearing all the background requirements for the program clinicals, NBCOT testing, and CBOT licensing.**


Career Opportunities
Career Opportunities

Students today can look forward to dynamic careers working in multiple settings with people of all ages.


One of the greatest advantages of a career as an occupational therapy assistant is the wide variety of opportunities available to graduates.


Occupational therapy assistants work with children in schools, community based programs, and clinics.  OTAs also work with individuals in their homes, community centers, rehabilitation hospitals, and nursing homes. In these settings, they help people with traumatic injuries, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, or mental health problems learn to live productive lives through the use of meaningful occupations.

If you are looking for a challenging career and have a desire to learn, achieve, and give your best to society, a career as an occupational therapy assistant is for you!"


National Testing Results


Testing Results

Program results from the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) can be found online at : https://www.nbcot.org/Educators-Folder/SchoolPerformance


Program Statistics:  Costs, Graduation Rate, NBCOT Pass Rate,  and Employment Rate


Program Statistics

Cost of OTA Program - Resident Core Only
(assuming you have completed GE)

Cost of OTA Program - Residen Core and GE

Cost of OTA Program - International/Non-Resident Core and GE

**College/Program Costs are subject to change

**Effective 7/26/23 - $25 American Data Bank Placement Fee


Grad Year

Number of Students On First Day

Number of OTA Program Graduates

Graduation Rate

NBCOT Exam Pass Rate

Employment Rate*



















3 Year Total 






*Based on the # of graduates who were offered OTA employment out of the # of graduates who 
chose to seek employment as an OTA after graduation.


***Class of 2021 employment - Of the 15 students passing NBCOT exam, 4 unknown status and 11 employed.


USDE Compliance Statement


Compliance with USDE Final Rule §668.43(a)(5)(v)

The occupational therapy assistant program currently meets the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) requirements, and as such, fulfills the educational requirements for professional license or certification for employment as an occupational therapy assistant in all the 50 U.S. States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Further information is available from ACOTE at: https://acoteonline.org/about/


OTA Program - 619-644-7304