
Tom Smerk

Adjunct Professor BOT/CSIS


Contact Info:

Phone: 644-7454 ext.3526



Although I am employed full time as a Professor of Business Information Technology for the San Diego Community College District, I have also been working at Grossmont College since 1995 as a course designer, CSIS instructor, BOT instructor, IDS-198 instructor for the Learning & Technology Resources department, and currently as an online instructor teaching Virtual Assistant courses and helping students set up their Virtual Assistant business. You can usually find me in my online classroom teaching BOT-111 "Virtual Office Assistant" for the BOT department.


If you are looking for the "Starting Line" (web resources for students, teachers and researchers) that used to be at this URL (years ago), I have moved it to my personal web server. See the links below, or you can go there directly at: Also, you might want to check out some of my other web sites below. Thanks for visiting my Grossmont College web page!