Grossmont College Math 170 notes


Fall 2019 - La Puma

Here are some notes, mostly unedited, from each day's lecture of a class from Spring 2017. For each day, there may also be a link to lectures from a similar course of Spring 2015.


Jan 31 - introduction; review of special triangles; see Notes of 1/28/15

Feb 2 - more on special triangles; five ways to look at functions; see Notes of 1/28/15


Feb 7 - 1.1 degrees, minutes, seconds, see 2/2/15; 1.3 ratio defn of trig fns, see 2/9/15

Feb 9 - 1.4 range of trig functions, reciprocal, pythagorean identities; see also 2/9/15


Feb 14 - 1.4 quotient identities, 2.1 right triangle defn of trig functions, see also 2/11/15

Feb 16 - 2.1 right triangle defn, cofunction identities


Feb 21 - 2.2 reference angles, 2.3 using a calculator with trig functions

Feb 23 - 2.3 find an angle given a value of a trig function


Feb 28 - 2.4 solving right triangles, 2.5 bearing

Mar 2 - 3.1 radian measure, 3.2 arc length; see 2/4/15 for area of a sector


Mar 7 - review for Test 1; see a sample test and its answer key

 Mar 9 - Test 1


Mar 14 - 3.3 unit circle definition of trig functions

Mar 16 - 4.1 graph of sine and cosine functions


Mar 21 - 4.2 translations of sine, cosine graphs

Mar 23 - 4.2 translations of sine, cosine graphs; 4.3 graph of tangent, cotangent


Apr 4 - graph example; 5.1 fundamental identities

Apr 6 - 5.1 fundamental identities; 5.2 verifying identities


Apr 11 - 5.2 verifying identities; 5.3 sum, difference identities for cosine

Apr 13 - 5.4 sum, difference identities for sine, tangent


Apr 18 - Test 2

Apr 20 - 5.5 double angle identities, product-to-sum


Apr 25 - 5.6 half-angle identities; 6.1 inverse sine function

Apr 27 - 6.1 inverse cosine, inverse tangent functions


May 2 - 6.2 trig equations I

May 4 - 6.3 trig equations II


May 9 - 7.1 law of sines



Math 170 archived notes

Here are some lecture notes, mostly unedited, from the approximately equivalent Trigonometry course, Math 104, at San Diego Mesa College in Spring 2015. The sections here refer to the textbook for that course, Trigonometry, 4th ed, Mark Dugopolski.


Notes of Jan 28 - special triangles; five ways to think about functions

Notes of Feb 2 - 1.1 degrees, minutes, seconds; 1.2 intro to radians
Notes of Feb 4 - 1.2 radians, arc length, area of a sector

Notes of Feb 9 - 1.3 angular velocity; 1.4 ratio defn of trig functions, famous angles
Notes of Feb 11 - 1.5 right triangle definition of trig fns, solving right triangles

Notes of Feb 18 - 1.5 solving right triangles; 1.6 reference angles, pythagorean identities

Notes of Feb 25 - 2.1 unit circle definition of trig functions; graph of sine, cosine functions

Notes of Mar 2 - 2.1 graph of sine, cosine; 2.2 graph with period ≠ 2π
Notes of Mar 4 - 2.2 graph → equation; 2.4 graph of tangent function

Notes of Mar 9 - summary of 2.1-2.4, graphs of all six trig functions
Notes of Mar 11 - 3.1 basic identities: pythagorean, reciprocal, quotient, odd/even

Notes of Mar 16 - 3.2 verifying identities
Notes of Mar 18 - 3.2 sum and difference identities for cosine

Notes of Mar 23 - 3.2 sum and difference identities for cosine (cont'd)

Notes of Apr 6 - 3.4 sum and difference ids for sine and tangent; 3.5 double angles ids
Notes of Apr 8 - 3.5 double and half angle identities

Notes of Apr 13 - 3.5 half angle ids; 3.6 product-to-sum, sum-to-product ids; 4.1 inverse trig functions
Notes of Apr 15 - 4.1 inverse trig functions; 4.2 basic trig equations

Notes of Apr 20 - 4.2 basic trig equations; 4.3 multiple angle equations
Notes of Apr 22 - 4.4 quadratic-type equations

Notes of Apr 29 - 5.1 law of sines, ASA, SSA

Notes of May 4 - 5.2 law of cosines, SAS, SSS
Notes of May 6 - 5.3 area of a triangle; 5.4 vectors

Notes of May 11 - 5.4 vectors (cont'd)
Notes of May 13 - 5.5 applications of vectors

Notes of May 18 - 6.1 complex numbers; 6.2 polar form; 6.3 powers, roots of complex numbers