Phone: 619-644-7893
Office: Bldg 31, Room 366
Office Hours: TWTH 9:30-10:30, M-TH 1:30-2:00; other times by appointment
This course is for students who plan to become elementary school teachers. It is the second course in a three course sequence. Math 125 (or equivalent) is the prerequisite for this course.
This course is for students who need a transferable math course. It is used by majors in social and behavioral sciences, business, and many other majors. Because the problems in the course are based on current events, it is one of the most useful courses for all students.
This course is the prerequisite course for Calculus for STEM majors.
I love teaching math and helping students see the value in achieving a strong foundation in mathematical knowledge and skills. By improving your math abilities, you become more hirable, less likely to be swindled, and better able to navigate the challenges in our society. I believe that everyone can learn math, and I'm here to help you.
My Background